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Chilean Trump hit by Uprising and Coronavírus.

I knew something was going wrong when Sebastian Piñera (pronounced Piniera) was elected President of Chile in December 2017. Only 47% of the electorate showed up to vote !.This fired off my alarm bells as I thought that this situation could only mean that more than half of the citizens were discontent with the political system ! Not to mention the fact that this Macchiavelical Harvard graduate had already been President from 2010 to 2014, I felt a sense of despair as I analyzed the prospects of having the same character in charge for another 4 years. The Pinera family had been staunch supporters of the Neoliberal economic policies imposed by the brutal military regime of General Pinochet, of whom Sebastian's elder brother José had been Finance Minister during the decade of the Eighties.(of the past century). When Sebastian returned from U.S.A in 1980, Jose got him a job as General Manager of the Banco de Talca, a city located in a rich wine growing área 3 hours drive south of Santiago. All seemed to be going well until 1982, when 200 million dollars went missing from the Bank and an arrest warrant was issued for Sebastian. Part 2: Its easy to avoid jail when you havê contacts. The police could not find Sebastian for approximately 20 days During which big brother José pulled his política strings with Pinochet, that ordered Justice Minister Monica Madariaga to drop charges against the up and coming entrepreneur.